If you are concerned about Google's advertising, tracking, and location history on your smartphone, there are several steps you can take to protect your privacy:

  • Disable location tracking: Go to your phone's settings and turn off location tracking. This will prevent Google from tracking your location data and using it for advertising purposes.
  • Limit app permissions: Review the app permissions for each app installed on your phone and limit permissions for any apps that do not need access to your location, contacts, or other sensitive information.
  • Use a private search engine: Consider using a private search engine such as DuckDuckGo instead of Google to avoid being tracked by Google's search history.
  • Disable personalized ads: You can disable personalized ads by going to your Google account settings and turning off ad personalization. This will prevent Google from using your browsing history and other personal information to target ads to you.
  • Clear your search history: Regularly clear your search history and browsing data to prevent Google from using it for advertising and tracking purposes.

It's important to note that some of these steps may limit the functionality of certain apps and services on your phone. However, if privacy is a top concern for you, taking these steps can help protect your personal information from being tracked and used for advertising purposes by Google and other companies.